Today’s post answers this question which was submitted last week.
“What type of bread and crust for pizza if making our own would you use at your house? Whole grain, Whole wheat, something else??”
Great question – I think your pizza dough should be just like the bread you eat – simple and nutritious. Pizza dough, just like bread, should only contain a few ingredients
Whole grain
By all means whole grain – complex carbs are the way to go, and I wouldn’t change that with pizza dough. You can experiment with a combination of bread flour and whole wheat flour – or go all whole wheat. You can also try spelt flour – it has a taste like wheat, but some consider it a healthier alternative.
Olive oil
Olive oil is one of the healthy oils – use this for both good tasting and nutritious crust
Sea salt
Incorporate sea salt into your diet and cooking. Sea salt brings some additional minerals. Also – go just a little lighter on the salt; most people take in more than enough salt. Look for ways do decrease your salt intake.
Check the recipe page for our favorite pizza dough recipe.
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