I’ve posted in the past regarding artificial sweeteners and their detrimental effects on your health.
It’s such a tempting idea – something for nothing – all the sweetness of sugar and none of the calories or problems that come from eating lots of sugar, drinking sugary drinks, and eating sweets, etc.
It sounds too good to be true! And it is.
Research continues to show that there is a cascade of bad effects that happen when you take in artificial sweeteners.
You won’t necessarily drop over from drinking one diet soda – but if they’re bad for you why drink even one?
Consider this: most rationale people wouldn’t eat a slice of cake or a brownie baked from a mix that only had a few – maybe even only 1 or two mouse droppings – because even in that small amount, we know it is not good for you. So why include diet soda or products with artificial sweeteners in your diet at all.
A recent article published by the CBC references several researchers and several new studies that once again link artificial sweeteners to both obesity and type 2 diabetes. I think it is best to avoid soda of all types – either sugar sweetened or artificially sweetened. What is especially troubling in the CBS article is a French study that is referenced. The beverage habits of more than 66000 women were followed for more than 14 years. All soda or pop drinkers had an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes – but the diet soda drinkers had an even higher risk than regular soda drinkers.
Why risk it at all – there are plenty of other healthy options to explore, including just plain water.
Take one small step today toward a healthier lifestyle by dumping artificial sweeteners from your diet – you’ll be glad you did.
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