Wheat has come up in discussion recently in some conversations about diet, carbs, etc. Although I limit the amount of carbs in my diet, I have not eliminated wheat from my diet. BUT – I have done my best to limit myself to organically raised wheat.
I do this for several reasons, but the main reason I want to focus on now is glyphosate.
Glyphosate is the primary active ingredient found in the herbicide Roundup from Monsanto. You can do the research yourself and decide what you are willing to consume, but I made the choice to avoid foods raised with or deliberatly exposed to glyphosate – See more at: http://wp.me/p3m5tK-cI
Why mention glyphosate in a conversation about wheat? Because it is one of the chemicals sometimes applied to wheat before harvest. While there is not currently a “Roundup Ready” wheat on the market or approved for human consumption as of 2015, Roundup is used on wheat to get fields of wheat uniformly ready for harvest. It does this by killing the wheat plant and causing the kernels to be at the same stage of readiness for harvest.
Which non-organic wheat is treated this way? Might glyphosate residue be in your flour? Hard to know for sure, unless you using organic flour or products made from organic wheat. Organic wheat cannot be raised with or treated with glyphosate.
Is it worth the risk? Not to me – especially after reading in the Lancet Journal of Oncology that
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