how to stay healthy
According to the Wikipedia definition of health, health is defined as “… the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in “good health” or “healthy”). Based on this, there are three main points to consider:
- Healthy Mind
- pursue creative endeavors such as painting, poetry, sculpting, reading, staying current on new events and opposing ideas (such as in politics).
- learn new and challenging things such as new technology or new languages, the idea is to stretch yourself and learn new things
- conversation with others including good-spirited debate
- pursuits that require imagination
- Healthy Body
- A healthy balanced diet – go light on the meats, some fruit, plenty of veggies, and lots of greens. Remember to drink plenty of water.
- Watch out for refined/processed foods, fried foods, and sweets.
- There are more detailed posts here and on other sites regarding aspects of a healthy diet – feel free to ask questions as well.
- Healthy Spirit
- Quite simply this is health beyond the physical or mental aspect.
- This pertains to your spiritual side – your connection with God.
- Are you at peace with yourself, with others, with God?
- Consider time spent in meditation, prayer, and in devotion to your relationship with God. There are many sites with great information on this subject – feel free to ask questions as well.
Questions about anything in this post? Leave a comment – I’d love to hear from you.